Manjaro XFCE on VMware Workstation

I recently installed the XFCE edition of Manajaro on VMware Workstation. The install itself was painless, but I ended up needing to make a few tweaks before everything worked as expected on VMware. This guide will walk you through the changes that were made.…

Arch Linux, Docker, and NVIDIA

If you've stumbled across this article, it's likely because you've been trying to get Docker, docker-compose, and NVIDIA all working together nicely. It's one of those rabbit holes where you think you're this close to finding the correct answer, but never quite do. This article might help.…

NiFi: Pulling Data from Splunk

Splunk has a fairly robust API. However, you'll occasionally get into situations where you need the data exported out of Splunk as syslog. This guide walks you through connecting to Splunk with Apache NiFi, pulling data in batches from Splunk via the API, and sending it out as syslog from NiFi.…

The Broken RFP Process: Questions

RFPs are a simple fact of the business: you will have to answer them, and some will be better than others. However, over the last 5-10 years, I’ve watched as RFPs have become progressively more convoluted and irrelevant to the problem that the business is attempting to solve.…

List of Chrome Extensions

I've recently been switching between Chrome, Edge, and Firefox just because it's been a while since I'd used Chrome or Firefox. Microsoft has done a great job with Edge, but figured I'd see what changed with the others after running into a few Edge oddities. I then realized it'd been…