Blue Iris, DeepStack, and Docker

Blue Iris will detect generic motion, pass it to DeepStack for further analysis, and DeepStack will let you know if there's an actual person, bike, vehicle, etc in the video that's being analyzed. Each Blue Iris camera has configurable settings around the types of DeepStack detection too.…

Reloading 40 S&W

This is just a quick time-lapse of 100 rounds of 40 S&W being reloaded. It's definitely not my favorite round to reload, but overall the shooting experience is much more tolerable with a new Glock 23 Gen 5 MOS. The same rounds out of an M&P Shield are like slapping your hand on concrete.…

Day of the D... MULCH

I was looking at the tags I've used, found one listed as #dirt [], and realized that it was almost a year ago that I had the genius idea of moving 10 yards of dirt by myself. Apparently I haven't learned anything since I just did…

Goodbye Notion, Hello Obsidian

Imagine a not-slowly-dying Evernote, combined with a markdown editor, mixed with extensive information and knowledge mapping, and sprinkled with a bunch of tools and plugins to make sense of your data. You end up with Obsidian, which is really good at what it does.…

Reloading: 300 BLK Recipes

Around 15 years ago, a co-worker suggested that I look into reloading as a hobby. I knew nothing about the topic at the time. He suggested going the buy once cry once [] route: spend lots of money up-front for…

i3 and Arch Linux, Oh My

I'm one of those people that doesn't really have a preference on desktop environments. It doesn't really matter if it's Linux, Windows, or a Mac as long as I can get to my applications. Enter i3, a tiling window manager that stays out of the way and maximizes productivity.…

The Broken RFP Process: Formatting

This is a follow-up to my previous post [] on the broken RFP process. I'd like to take a step back and cover what should be the easiest part of the RFP: the document format itself. Instead of straight-forward Word or Excel documents with question and answer…