Reloading: 300 BLK Recipes

Around 15 years ago, a co-worker suggested that I look into reloading as a hobby. I knew nothing about the topic at the time. He suggested going the buy once cry once route: spend lots of money up-front for decent equipment, and you won't have to worry about replacing it later. I ended up ordering a Dillon 550B. It wasn't cheap, but it's held up amazingly well and is still the only reloading press that I own.

Fast-forward to present day. I picked up a ProChrono DLX Chronograph for measuring the speed of my rounds. It works extremely well: shoot, wait for the measurement, shoot, wait for the measurment, etc. You then use their app to pull all the shot strings onto your phone via Bluetooth. Honestly, I have no idea why I waited so long to purchase one.

That being said, I figured it was time to share all of my 300 BLK recipes and the associated data. Enjoy.

300 BLK - 125 GR - 1585 FPS

| Key          | Value      |
| ------------ | ---------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK    |
| Bullet GR    | 125        |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HP  |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK    |
| Powder GR    | 19.5       |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.060      |
| FPS          | 1585       |
| Date Tested  | 02/26/2021 |

300 BLK - 125 GR - 1804 FPS

| Key          | Value      |
| ------------ | ---------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK    |
| Bullet GR    | 125        |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HP  |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK    |
| Powder GR    | 20.8       |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.231      |
| FPS          | 1804       |
| Date Tested  | 02/13/2021 |

300 BLK - 125 GR - 1834 FPS

| Key          | Value      |
| ------------ | ---------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK    |
| Bullet GR    | 125        |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HP  |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK    |
| Powder GR    | 21.0       |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.220      |
| FPS          | 1834       |
| Date Tested  | 02/28/2021 |

300 BLK - 155 GR - 1647 FPS

| Key          | Value       |
| ------------ | ----------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK     |
| Bullet GR    | 155         |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HPBT |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK     |
| Powder GR    | 20.0        |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.235       |
| FPS          | 1647        |
| Date Tested  | 02/06/2021  |

300 BLK - 208 GR - 969 FPS

| Key          | Value       |
| ------------ | ----------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK     |
| Bullet GR    | 208         |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HPBT |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK     |
| Powder GR    | 11.9        |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.250       |
| FPS          | 969         |
| Date Tested  | 02/06/2021  |

300 BLK - 220 GR - 898 FPS

| Key          | Value       |
| ------------ | ----------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK     |
| Bullet GR    | 220         |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HPBT |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK     |
| Powder GR    | 11.7        |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.260       |
| FPS          | 898         |
| Date Tested  | 02/26/2020  |

300 BLK - 220 GR - 926 FPS

| Key          | Value      |
| ------------ | ---------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK    |
| Bullet GR    | 220        |
| Bullet Type  | HPBT       |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK    |
| Powder GR    | 11.8       |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.231      |
| FPS          | 926        |
| Date Tested  | 02/13/2021 |

300 BLK - 220 GR - 1030 FPS

| Key          | Value       |
| ------------ | ----------- |
| Caliber      | 300 BLK     |
| Bullet GR    | 220         |
| Bullet Type  | Sierra HPBT |
| Powder Brand | CFE BLK     |
| Powder GR    | 12.0        |
| C.O.A.L      | 2.220       |
| FPS          | 1030        |
| Date Tested  | 02/28/2021  |

Hope this helps. These are my two favorite loads out of the list:

  • 300 BLK - 125 GR - 1834 FPS
  • 300 BLK - 220 GR - 1030 FPS